On this page is a complete list of reprints of MBRAS publications dating back to the first one issued in 1973 to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Singapore by Stamford Raffles. However, you should note that a good number of titles advertised here are sadly out of print and no longer available. The older reprints may still be obtained as second hand copies through antiquarian bookshops catering for specialists and collectors. Due to the high costs involved in reissuing these volumes,the Society has no immediate plans to republish any of the titles. However, if you feel strongly that some of them ought to see the light of publication once more, we heartily welcome your feedback and any suggestions you may have for us to improve our list of publications.
Please email info.mbras@gmail.com for titles that are still available for sale as well as post and packaging options for your area.
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Reprint 1 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Singapore Commemorative Reprint
317pp Size:160x240mm Softcover
Reprint 2 A History of Pahang
By W. Linehan
256pp Size:160x250mm Hardcover
Reprint 3 A History of Perak
By R.O. Winstedt and R.J. Wilkinson
226pp Size:160x250mm Hardcover
Reprint 4 A Centenary Volume: 30 Articles selected from JSBRAS and JMBRAS 1878-1976
366pp Size:180x250mm Softcover
Reprint 5 Syers and the Selangor Police 1875-1897
By J.M. Gullick
57pp Size:180x250mm Softcover
Reprint 6 A History of Johore
By R.O. Winstedt
240pp Size:160x250mm Hardcover
Reprint 7 The Study of Ancient Times in the Malay Peninsula and Straits of Malacca
By Dato Sir Ronald Braddell
522pp. Size:160x 250mm Hardcover
Reprint 8 The Letters of Sir Stamford Raffles to Nathaniel Wallich 1819-1824
Edited by John Bastin
73pp Size:180x250mm Softcover
Reprint 9 Yap Ah Loy 1837-1885
By S.M. Middlebrook and J.M. Gullick
127pp Size:150x240mm Softcover
Reprint 10 Papers Relating to Trengganu
Edited by Tan Sri Dato Mubin Sheppard
125pp. Size:150x 240mm Hardcover
Reprint 11 Political and Commercial Considerations Relative to the Malayan Peninsula
By John Anderson
Introduction by J.S. Bastin
305pp. 172x250mm. Hardcover
Reprint 12 A History of Classical Malay Literature
By Sir Richard Winstedt
Revised, edited and introduction by Y.A. Talib
266pp. Size:180x260mm Hardcover
Reprint 13 An Expedition to Trengganu and Kelantan 1895
By Hugh Clifford
180pp. Size:150x220mm Softcover
Reprint 14 Eredia’s Description of Malacca
By J.V. Mills
New introduction by Cheah Boon Kheng
347pp. Size:160x240mm Hardcover
Reprint 15 Notes and Queries
By W.E. Maxwell
146pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 16 The Keris and Other Malay Weapons
183pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 17 Sejarah Melayu (MS Raffles No. 18)
Compiled by Cheah Boon Kheng, Rumi Text by Abdul Rahman Haji Ismail, with introduction by Abdul Rahman Haji Ismail, R. Roolvink, R.O. Winstedt
327pp. Size: 150x220mm (hardcover) (softcover)
(Only available in a three-volume Boxset)
Reprint 18 Papers Relating to Brunei
With introduction by Cheah Boon Kheng
192pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 19 The Prevention of Malaria in the Federated Malay States
by Malcolm Watson
400pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 20 John Leyden's Translation of the Malay Annals, 1821
with introductory material by Virginia and Barry Hooker
465pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
(Only available in a three-volume Boxset)
Reprint 21 Records and Recollections 1889-1934
with introductory material by
J.M. Gullick
300pp. Size:150x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 22 British Malaya 1824-67
By L.A. Mills
432pp. Size: 157x235mm Hardcover
Reprint 23 The Trade of Singapore 1819-1869
By Wong Lin Ken
317pp. Size:165x255mm Hardcover
Reprint 24 Malay Magic: Being an Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula
By Walter William Skeat
764pp. Size: 146x222mm Hardcover
Reprint 25 Southeast Asia - China Interactions
Selected and introduced by Geoff Wade With a foreword by Wang Gungwu
620pp. Size: 184x260mm Hardcover
Reprint 26 Selections from the Selangor Journal
Edited and Introduced by John Gullick
660pp. Size: 140x216mm Softcover
Reprint 27 Boats, Boatbuilding and Fishing in Malaysia
Edited by Dato' H.S. Barlow
411pp. Size: 184x260mm Hardcover
Reprint 28 Malay Annals
(Translated by C.C. Brown from MS Raffles No. 18)
276pp. Size: 140x215mm Softcover
(Only available in a three-volume Boxset)
Reprint 29 Hikayat Abdullah
An Annotated Translation by A.H. Hill
With foreword by Cheah Boon Kheng
364pp. 140x220mm Hardcover
Reprint 30 Malay Arts and Crafts
Tan Sri Dato' Mubin Sheppard
264pp 180x254mm Softcover
Reprint 31 The Colourful Early History of the Cocos-Keeling Islands
C.A. Gibson-Hill
306pp 140x220mm Softcover
Reprint 33 Glimpses of Penang's Past
Edited by Loh Wei Leng and Badriyah Haji Salleh
325pp 150x230mm Softcover
Reprint 34 A Journal in the Federal Capital
George Lamb Peet
180pp 155x230mm Softcover
Reprint 35 The Malay Keris: Artistry in Iron
Compiled by Paul H. Kratoska
260pp 150x230mm Softcover